The Eternal Appeal of Cinema & Some of the Master Directors

Making a movie is the most pervasive and influential art. Movies have been made for many years, and for many years they have been a great form of entertainment for us and it is probably the main reason why we love watching movies. Cinemas take us to places we’ve never been and inside the skin of people quite different from ourselves. To the answer of a question why we watch movies, the answer is beautifully summarized by Academy Award winner actor Jack Nicholsen, in one of his speech during Oscar award ceremony, “they entertain us; they offer hopes (and) give traumas; they take us places, we never been, just even for few moments; they can take us away, when we want to get away; Movies inspire us; they challenge us and despite our differences, they are (the) common link to humanity, in all of us.” The art of the performers stays fresh for us, their beauty as beautiful as ever. It's the feeling of freedom from repeatability we have always enjoyed at the movies. The creatio...